About Me

My name is Dan. I lost the “iel” when I moved to central Wisconsin. I’m 43. I’ve been searching my whole adult life for a way to make a substantial increase in my income and also have more free time, to enjoy the things that I am interested in. Who doesn’t want that, right?
My interests are quite varied: music, playing guitar, growing herbs, traditional archery, spirituality, and nature.
I’ve always been a hard worker but lacked the vision or mentor-ship to burst through and have an amazing life-changing idea that I could implement. Through my whole hard, back-breaking work life, I’ve always kept a keen eye out; although, along the way, I have fallen into some time wasters and scams.
When you lose your hard earned money through deceptive ways, it’s a real soul killer. This site is for finding ways of making money online. I don’t claim to be an Internet guru–I’m just here to help you start an online business or start making money online.
I believe I found mentor-ship in the Wealthy Affiliate community. I watch a lot of Kung-fu movies, and in most of the films, the main character has or finds a master to teach him new Kung-fu moves or some secret Kung-fu styles. This is why I now know Wealthy Affiliate is one of my masters: teaching me new ways of earning and refining my techniques. Gaining lots of knowledge that I humbly didn’t have, and me, the student: loyal, thankful, and applying the techniques.
If you would like to join me within Wealthy Affiliate, you can register here to create your free starter membership. This is where I network with others and get all of my knowledge.
The name Highlander comes from my family’s business in California, where I worked occasionally at an early age. I just always loved the name and wanted to carry it on, and I loved the movie too. Some people say I look like Kurgan from the movie.
This is the goal of Highlander Money, to help people find ways to earn income and avoid scams.
It’s great to meet you, and feel free to comment below. Also, this is my profile on Wealthy Affiliate. (Here is a link to my page)
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Great website you have here. I think you have some awesome information on here that many will find useful!
Thanks again, Dave. I always appreciate a nice compliment. Took a lot of hard work and still a lot of hard work left, but I am glad you find the information useful.
Hi Dave,
Please let me know the first name on the card that I placed this order. It wasn’t in my name. I need to know which card was used to order.
You can provide last four numbers and/or first name on card charged
Urgently needed and thanks for your assistance.
Order: gb_3c5974216df39a04 / 1 Sweatshirt Red and 1 Women’s Tee Heliconia
I don’t sell anything on my website. You need to contact the business that you bought from, not me. Sorry can’t help you.
Hey, I see you do reviews on lots of internet marketing products, I was wondering if you were looking for more products to review? My brother has an evergreen IM program called Internet Jetset on Clickbank. Avg sale value is $100+, 30+ gravity, and does lots of ads so there’s always search volume. Let me know if you’d like me to send you more information?
Hey Nicholas,
Yeah, send me more information on it. I would love to take a look at it.
Hi Dan,
I am a fellow WA member and I am struggling a bit. At what point did you start making money on your website. Do you get many referrals to WA?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Phil,
It took me like 6 months to make a sale with hard work. What course are you taking right now at WA? I highly recommend you do the green Course and avoid the affiliate bootcamp course until you have more experience under your belt. I feel the affiliate bootcamp is harder to succeed in doing than the Online Entrepreneur Certification. Start with that and work steady following the course. Do everything it ask and create a website you’re interested in (so important).
I started with the affiliate bootcamp first, but found more success in the Online Entrepreneur course. This is just my personal opinion. As I think there is more competition in the Affiliate Bootcamp and harder to rank well, against more experienced affiliate marketers. Not to say you can’t make money with the bootcamp, it’s just a harder to do.
Hope this helps you.
Hello! I have just recently started on Magiclinks, and I was wondering what PPC sites you could recommend for me to get started with. Thank you and keep up the great work!
Hey Dan,
I saw your blog and noticed that you do affiliate as well and shared some equally great and smart monetary insight. The product reviews were what caught our attention.
My name is Rifat, the affiliate partner for Mike Volkin’s Freelancer Masterclass, and I was wondering if you would be interested in entering into a partnership program with us?
We have received great feedback and even greater cries for us to expand, so we are doing just that.
Anyway, looking forward to your reply.
Yes, I would be interested in hearing from you about your offer.
ood afternoon! Hope this email will be good for you!
My name is Emelyan and I’m Country manager of Jooble company and I would like to suggest to place banner of your company on our Jooble website and visitors will be redirected to you by clicking it . In return , we would ask you to place link or banner of Jooble on your website. Or we can exchange the post in blogs on our websites.If you are interested , text me back and I will come back to you with more details.
Thank you in advance,
Much appreciated,
Sounds good I will email you back.