Is Blog Ninja A Scam?

Blog Ninja Review
Name: Blog Ninja (formerly know as ShoeMoney)
Price: FREE
Owners: Jeremy Schoemaker
Overall Rank: 6.5 out of 10
Blog Ninja – Product Overview
Is Blog Ninja a scam? Did you know Blog Ninja pays you $1.00 for signing up? I initially did a review on Blog Ninja when it was called ShoeMoney, you can read it here Does ShoeMoney Work? Back in May 2016. Since the name change, I thought it was a good time to update their information and do a new review of this name flopper. Since using their system for a longer time frame and since their need to change their name (btw it baffles me) with product recognition being so important, I have more insights into this system to share, to help you see if it worth your time or if there is a better system out there for you. Stay tuned to the end…

The company is owned by Jeremy Schoemaker, who is a well-known web entrepreneur and also an active public speaker. He created multiple companies like NextPimp, Par Program, ShoeMoney Media and Auction Ads.
Name Change?
From ShoeMoney to Blog Ninja? Is he trying to sell his business, like he has sold his past businesses multiple times before? Thereby, taking his last name out of the company to make it more marketable to potential buyers. As the great bluesman Robert Cray sings, “Sometimes, Sometimes I wonder.” Well, this is just my opinion, and there is nothing wrong with this, but it makes me question the actions. It could possibly be sold to less scrupulous people.
What Is Blog Ninja?
Well, let get into it, for those that don’t know what ShoeM…, oh wait, Blog Ninja is and about. Blog Ninja is a training program to help you get up and running a website, which you could be potentially earning money through affiliate marketing and internet marketing. Jeremy teaches you how to setup your blog, create content and most importantly how to make money from it. He and a host of other people, guide you through videos and lessons, with a step-by-step teaching process. You work at your own pace, but too slow and you will get emails about being kicked out. Which in this world of people being extremely busy, unnecessary and uncaring.
Belt System

Their ranking system is designed after the karate belt system starting at white belt progressing to black belt and beyond. White is the beginner, and black is the master. The beyond part is the “Ninja Belt levels,” of which there are five Ninja belts. I can’t wait to get my first ninja belt so I can run out and tell my friends. Just kidding. This makes me cringe.
General Overview Of What Is Taught
So, what are some of the broad range of topics you will be learning? Let me show you a general overview.
- Web Hosting
- Setup
- Website Setup
- Beautify Your Site
- Social accessibility
- Newsletter
- Social Media
- Monetizing Your Site
- Social Media Promoting Google Analytics
- YouTube Strategies
- Pinterest Strategies
The Good & The Bad
The Good:
- It’s Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- One of the recent changes along with the name change is no longer having to go through his hosting company, which by the way is Bluehost. Before, even if you had a website, already you had to go his hosting company. I think this turned away a lot of people and I think Jeremy realized this and acted accordingly. This is a good move on his part, instead of the alarming number of people getting their dollar and leaving, that never come back for more training, now may stick around.
- Small lesson gets you progressing painlessly and effortlessly. Great for the rookie.
- Video lessons. A great media to learn from.
- A big name from a real earner, Jeremy Schoemaker.
- The first lesson you get paid, nice. How much? $1.00. I was actually paid from Blog Ninja thru PayPal.
- Great system for total newbies to learn about and understand affiliate marketing. It’s painfully slow for experienced marketers.
- The use of WordPress. WordPress is an amazingly easy to use open source website creation platform. I still remember coding in HTML and the countless hours spent learning HTML.
- No longer having to go through his web hosting service to continue learning past level one. Which btw is BlueHost.
- Sends you a personal telephone number of support staff to help you out if you have any questions.
The Bad:
- Constant threats of being kicked from the program, “in order to allow more students in that are waiting in line“. I laughed at this ploy. They must be beating down the castle door like the giant in Games of Thrones, Battle of the Bastard episode. Keep in mind I did work on this site and completed a task within the same week. This kinda angered me. Marketing ploys.
- The owner’s involvement is limited. This system is created by him to make money, without him getting involved with his students. He records some videos, makes a website, and structures some training tasks, then kicks his heels up and walks away. All the while collecting money. I get no sense he is involved helping his students in the day to day world of affiliate marketing. Which btw is ever evolving and changing. Good luck getting up-to-date information here. Everything feels automated.
- Support tickets, wait…whattttttt? Yeahhhh, try no response to support ticket that is weeks old. Huh. Where out thou, Jeremy? Horrible support either through email or support ticket. Still waiting…
- Advanced users might find it redundant and slow.
- Lots of valuable information pertaining to affiliate marketing are glossed over or not even mention. Like picking a niche, writing effectively, and countless others. Where do you go to find help for just about everything that Blog Ninja misses? Skip to the end or read the Blog Ninja Alternatives.
- You would think I would love their name being I love martial arts all my life, but I hate it and the use of it. I understand he is using what he loves, as he is also a martial arts fan, but his use of it just seems, how to put this…cheesy. How cheesy, as cheesy as aerosol cheese in a can, cheesy. It pays little respect to the real martial artist like Toshitsugu Takamatsu, and Masaaki Hatsumi, actually real ninjas. It is the typical exploitation, of the already mega-exploited genre since the eighties.
- No online forum or community. A real negative.
- Vague instructions. I address this in my other article Does ShoeMoney Work? I felt, left in the dark on lesson 2. That didn’t take long.
- You can share your belt promotion on Facebook. Haha haha, There is a button once you get a different colored belt from just watching a simple video to share this on Facebook. Hey everyone, I just watched a video and now I got a new belt. Really?…yes, it’s that easy. Stupid. Childish. Easy to attain with no real accomplishment of anything.
- If you quit Blog Ninja and come back at a later time, expect to start right back at the beginning, White Belt.
Blog Ninja Tips
If you are stuck at lesson two at where to put the bnshoeverify.html, just download the file from Blog Ninja, then upload the file to your Media tab on WordPress. Once uploaded click on it and copy the URL and paste it to Blog Ninja in the space provided. Jeremy tells you to call your hosting provider instead of a simple explanation of where to put the file.
Tip two would be joining Wealthy Affiliate, instead of Blog Ninja, okay, I spilled the pintos, early. You’ll learn a lot more, get awesome support and the access to the owners and one of the best communities online.
Blog Ninja Alternatives
The number one alternative to Blog Ninja and it eats Blog Ninja for breakfast is Wealthy Affiliate. Blog Ninja doesn’t even come close. With up-to-date training, an active, friendly, helpful community that is unheard of, Owners that are around every day helping people, pretty much instant support, not weeks like Blog Ninja, and let’s not forget the all-important training. It is very comprehensive with new material added hourly, yep hourly. For the money is the best thing going, and I’m not kidding at all. You can sign up here or read my full in-depth review here, Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016, Legit Money Maker?
Who is Blog Ninja For?
Blog Ninja is in my opinion for the complete newbie, to learn about the real basics of ideas and strategies of online marketing. Experienced users will find it slow.
Blog Ninja Tools & Training
Lessons are pretty much all video lessons, either done by the “Grandmaster” himself or Ashley. You can in some videos, check out what is in Jeremy closet, as he films in some room in his house. I can see a stockpile of Keurig coffee, small fridge, one bottle of Cholula Green Pepper hot sauce and bottled water. Why I am mentioning this, I don’t know.
Along with the videos they have numerous free podcast available for download. Don’t even need to be a member to listen to them.
They also have bonus content which is videos of interviews of influential people in the field. A nice bonus. Some examples are Seth Godin interview, Time Ferris interview, yeah it’s spelled that way on the site. I’m sure they meant Tim.
Blog Ninja Support
With the new name change, you get a personal phone number of a support specialist to call when you need help. But the other forms of support are horrible and offer little to no help.
Blog Ninja Price
The best price ever…Free!
My Final Opinion of Blog Ninja
Is Blog Ninja a scam? Nope, but if I seem hard on this system even though they are not a scam, it’s because it is a little cheesy and basic, which I have a hard time taking it seriously. But, I think Blog Ninja would be a great course for the complete noob looking to get his ninja tabi wet into the world of online marketing. But if you are an advanced or even an intermediate, it’s best to get out and use your grapple hook, and climb your way past this rudimentary training dojo and ascend to the real dojo, high on the mountain pass, and that dojo’s name is Wealthy Affiliate.
Even though Blog Ninja is free, expect to get for what you pay for.
Wealthy Affiliate has two membership options, a free and a premium membership. Both are great, but the premium is the whole enchilada, or should I more appropriately say the whole sushi roll. You can read my full review here to find out more information, Wealthy Affiliate Review. But trust me when I say what you’ll learn at Wealthy Affiliate is more wide in scope, more detailed, more in-depth training. Training is added every day here, it is never-ending, and that’s a good thing a really good thing.
The community is what sold me on Wealthy Affiliate, and I haven’t regretted it since. They are helpful, knowledgeable, nice and helpful in keeping you motivated. Don’t underestimate these factors as they all will help with your success. So, if you want a better platform for learning, I would suggest you sign up at Wealthy Affiliate instead of Blog Ninja. I can say this because I am a member of both platforms. At the very least you can take an honest look at both platforms and decide for yourself.
To join Blog Ninja.
To join Wealthy Affiliate free membership to take it for a spin with no obligations Wealthy Affiliate Free Membership.
To join Wealthy Affiliate Premium membership.
Blog Ninja at a Glance…
Name: Blog Ninja
Owners: Jeremy Schoemaker
Price: FREE
Overall Scam Rank: 6.5 out of 100
Hold On, Before You Go…
If you are looking for a 100% legit way to make money, by owning your own online business. It provides the best training online (Way better than Blog Ninja btw) along with the most helpful and friendly community online(there is no community at Blog Ninja), with all the support to get you building your online business. I recommend you read my #1 Recommended Program and sign up to get started today.
If you have any questions or comments please leave them below and I will try to answer them. Thanks.
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I’m so glad to read a review by someone who has actually done the course. Thanks.
Just wondering, How does he ‘put his feet up and make money?’ with this program if it is free?and if you don’t have to use Blue Host?
Are there upsells or ads for Blue host.
I’m fascinated by free training programs, but I would not expect much from one of them.
It seems that Shoemaker is shooting himself in the foot with this one.
He puts his feet up by not being there, active on the site helping, posting new content, available to ask questions directly. He makes money by you sharing his posts, yes he spends $1.00, which he pays to you but then you in turn advertise for him. Other than that I would have to guess how he makes money, if you don’t sign up to Blue Host. He has a decent program, but it falls short in too many areas. I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate, it’s just a better overall system. Hope this helps.
I appreciate the fact that you state that this company is legit, but you also clearly disclose its many faults. These are things, in my opinion, that are really terrible things to do to newbies. I had a similar experience with a company who offered to teach me to “get rich” with affiliate marketing, and yes, they offered a lot of valuable training. But then, like you’re describing here, they all of a sudden disappeared and left me holding the (empty) bag. Thanks so much for this heads up. Wealthy Affiliate seems more “real.”
Hey Debra, sorry to hear of your negative experience, we all get burnt at least once, unfortunately. Blog Ninja does offer something but I would rather go to the best place that offers everything, if your going to be spending countless hours working on affiliate marketing. More bang for your buck. Yes, you do get what you pay for and the money spent at Wealthy Affiliate does pay for it self in time. I would rather go all in, then partially in. Thanks for the feedback, it is very welcomed to hear.
Hi Dan,
You issued a very thorough and insightful review of this online business opportunity called blog-ninja.
I have to tell you though! In reading all the information presented, including the large list of cons that you illustrated with this program, I personally would have graded it a heck of a lot lower than 7.8 out of 10.
So many negatives that I feel are associated with this opportunity. Starting out with the fact that unless you actively participate and finish each section of the training (and within a specific time), you would get kicked ou of the membership? Really? Because this Jeremy character claims that he has a list of others who want to jump on the chance of what he has to offer through his program?
To me that is such a monster turn-off that I’d avoid this opportunity at any cost. Even investing $1 I think is a rip-off for this below average to poor opportunity.
Kyle and Carson owners of WA don’t have this same silly philosophy of “you’d better finish parts of the training within a certain time span or else”. I’d believe that Jeremy Shoemaker pulling off this stunt would have people running away from his program.
The other cons – the lack of real meaty training regarding affiliate marketing, limited to no contact with Shoemaker, a poor ticket support system, no community forum of like-minded individuals to offer support lead me to conclude that this program is close to a joke!
I could not see with all that appears lacking with this program how anyone could make money in an online business as trained by blog ninja.
Well said, Jeff. I feel you questioning me on my grading is appropriate. I graded Blog Ninja a little higher than I should have in hindsight, but thought the free part of the training was worthy of higher ranking.
As a user of both systems, I hardly ever go on Blog Ninja. It just doesn’t measure up, everything there I have already learned. Yes, at Wealthy Affiliate their is no silliness structure in the courses, just great knowledge. You be better passing on Blog Ninja. I am glad you got my feelings on this company by reading my post as I felt a lot of negative feelings, ashamed, talked down to, insulted, threatened, silliness, childish and on and on…
Thanks Jeff.
Ha ha I laughed at the “must make place for other students” threats. I signed up when it was still Shoemoney, and when I found out that I must purchase Bluehost, I just didn’t go further. I then started to get all those email threats. I’m glad you don’t need Bluehost anymore, but I am now anyway a happy member of that other program you mention, wealthy affiliate.
I suspect numerous people left for that reason alone, about having to go through his website hosting company Bluehost. It is pretty hilarious to threaten people to finish their training and on top of that to threaten to push people away from your business, when most websites try to bring people in. This guy is threatening to kick you from his training platform. REALLY??? I think less and less of this guy, the more I see his tactics. Sure he has made money online but this method (Blog NInja), he don’t have a clue about. He can make money but falls short on teaching!!!
Now, Wealthy Affiliate, now that’s the place to learn. None of that bullshit you see at Blog Ninja. People at Wealthy Affiliate are just happy at what they are offered, as you mention in your comment. Full in-depth training and support, and the best community online. Thanks Ben for your comment. Appreciate it.
Great article! Sounds like “buyer beware” even if it is free. I would hate the pressure of the constant threats of terminating me from the program, that’s a big turn-off right there. And lack of support? Common, we all need support, especially if we’re new to affiliate marketing. And you’re right, Wealthy Affiliate has one of the best communities I’ve ever seen. Everyone is friendly and helpful, no matter if your question may seem silly, someone is always there is lend a helping hand.
Carol, thanks for enjoying the article and commenting on it. The threats keep coming in too, I just ignore them now. The support is horrible, a phone call is the only way to get effective support, a very narrow path to support and limiting. I feel the same way you do about the community at Wealthy Affiliate. Most times, you don’t need to ask a silly question as someone has already asked it and you can easily find it by searching in the search box located at the top of the screen once inside Wealthy Affiliate. See you around.
blogninja is either a broken website or it refuses to deal with you after you verify that you have another web service. I made multiple accounts, used multiple browsers, every time I have the same problem. At yellow belt lesson 3 it displays no video and doesn’t let you go forward or backward in the lessons. The site and help service is either not maintained or they refuse to answer my multiple help desk tickets for the past few weeks. This makes it look like it is a scam site that is there simply to get you to pay them for web service and no doubt the hundred other upsells after that.
John, haven’t been on the site for a while. I liked the “free” information but didn’t like what I felt were traps to get you to sign up for the hosting and the constant threat of kicking me to make room for other people (Yeah..right!). Make sure if when you load the page you allow Adobe Flash permission to run. If you don’t the video won’t play. Maybe this will help. The video works for me. I am using firefox and the alert comes up at the upper right hand of the screen.(I attached a picture below showing the Adobe Flash permission) The web hosting is the only method I can see of how they could possible make money off of teaching people. I found their training to be mediocre. If you want to learn the best place is Wealthy Affiliate, it cost money but the training is worth it. Hope this helps you. Let me know if you get it to work.

please help me, i was trapped by to buy there fake web hosting
they use a visacard logo pretending that transactions with there clients go through visacard company yet that’s there trap to steal card information and use it to steal money from people’s accounts, they don’t answer messages, they don’t have refund option and they don’t give you an option to cancel web hosting bought if you
no longer need it and you can not get a free domain name like they promise if you buy web hosting from
The system is very fake because they do not even respond to messages
i have been sending
Hey AJ,
First thing I would do is call my credit card and have them stop payment on the card to Blogninja. Or if you have to cancel the card and get a new one.
Blogninja support was always kinda of sketchy, and not very reliable. This is unacceptable and a horrible way to run a business.
I don’t mean to press the issue since your probably still stinging from Blogninja, but if you want web hosting with learning how to build a online business, I HIGHLY recommend Wealthy Affiliate Great teaching, fast web hosting (they are even going to be updating the speed for website, this is going to make the sites that are hosted by them able to rank a lot better), great community, and so much more. I am a current member myself and use it everyday. Oh yeah, at Wealthy Affiliate if you want to cancel your account you can easily, but why would you.
Let me know if you need more help or how you resolved this issue.
I was thinking WA when you said not forum or community. I have been a premium member for 3 years, the community is a distraction and a hinderance there , and I can not answers 90% of the time.
What you said about glossing over some things I came here to fill in the blanks that I do not get from WA.
It is free why not some useful trainings all compiled here. I want a capture page and and email list and to learn how to use it. seems I will get that here.
Yes support sucks but and he hosts the sites now and my other sites are going to blue host, not his company he says in the new video for that area they did get a cut though before. I am bringing my other sites there and they have everything as far as the hosting included in my package for like $20 of the WA price.And i can pick up the phone if I need help instead of waing 3 days or forever for an answer that is not quite correct for my situation. And it leads til doing nothing until I can cope with figuring it out from other sources. And as you said everything is on google and you tube. Thanks.This is an excellent review
My experiences at WA is a lot different than yours. I get immediate answers to my questions, the only way it takes three days if you ask the owners a questions (because they are swamped with questions and they are busy answering them) The community usually has the answer and is much faster. I doubt Jeremey is answering any questions at all!
Blog Ninja glosses over things not WA. Take a look at typing in niche at WA and you will get hundreds of different lessons, questions, courses, answers. Just about niches, go to Blog Ninja they just mention it, I think once. Are you serious?
I love the community, it can be a distraction this is true, but I find it more of a resource to lean on when I need a question. To support me both motivationally and for support.
Thanks for the compliment.
Hello Dan
Thank you for the review, I have joined the program and I am stuck at the place where I am suppose to upload the file. I have even added the file to the media tab as you have said but when I go back to the course, it simply says that I have completed the task but it does not allow me to proceed. I have not yet also seen the stuff who are there to support, personally I think this course has the worst support I have ever seen in my life. As for Wealthy Affiliates, I just joined the free membership.
I’ll have to get back to you on the Blog Ninja stuff later tonight. I will try and figure it out for you. BN support does really need improving.
Glad you joined Wealthy Affiliate, it is hands down a lot better system than BN. You won’t be disappointed. Let me know on WA if you ever need any help or anything, be glad to help. Hope to see you here and there.