Name: Redbubble Website: Price: Free To Join Owners: Martin Hosking, Peter Styles, and Paul Vanzella Overall Rank: 7.6 out of 10
Redbubble – Product Overview
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What is Redbubble? Are you artistic? Do you like designing and need to make some money? Why not open your very own shop and sell your artwork, letting Redbubble handle all of the messy stuff like printing and shipping and handling.
Redbubble is an online store where people can upload their artwork, also called a print on demand business. Once artists upload their work, Redbubble takes that artwork and then puts it on products. The sheer amount of products available to have your artwork displayed on is staggering. Products range from the ubiquitous t-shirt to clocks, yeah clocks…and everything in between. Almost anything you want. Redbubble produces it, packages it, and then ships it for you to the person who bought the product. Then when your product sells you make a percentage of that sell.
RedBubble is a down-under company that was founded in 2006. It is also a publicly-traded company and is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (RBLAX).
How To Get Started Using Redbubble
Open a Redbubble Shop.
Upload your artwork.
Market your product.
Get Paid.
Using the platform at Redbubble is pretty intuitive as far as adding and adjusting your artwork to whatever product. This is a real selling point as some other companies have you pulling your hair out within minutes of using their platform.
Not the case here. This is really relevant and uber important because of the almost overwhelming amount of product on which your artwork can be purchased on. Sometimes you have to alter your artwork or settings to fit the artwork on the product properly. This is why a quality platform from which you should be working is paramount. A lot of thought and planning, as a user, I can tell that a tremendous amount of work went into designing their platform.
Mind Blown! The options are mind-blowing The list of available products of course is refreshing: t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, tank tops, posters, dresses, leggings, scarfs, mini skirts, phone cases, laptop skins, stickers, wall art, pillows, mugs, clocks, stationery, calendars, tote bags, and even gift certificates. Now each item listed also has multiple variations as well, the combinations are outrageous.
With all products, Redbubble gives a base cost, but the artist is free to change the markup in various methods. The default markup set by RB is 20%. You can raise this as you see fit.
You’re allowed to use up to 50 keywords per artwork. Take advantage of this by being thorough and precise at describing your art. This allows customers to find you, so take the time to fill this out as accurately as you can.
Groups, Challenges & Forums
Multiple ways in which to join and participate in the community.
How To Join
Joining just takes a few minutes and you’re off to the races. Click here to Join Redbubble now.
The Good & The Bad
The Good:
Regularly run promo codes, this drives traffic and sales which in turn helps sellers. I like seeing this, some other companies never run any kind of promotional offer.
Amazing amount of products! A wide variety of products in which to design and potentially sell. How many? Try over 60 products.
Completely free to join. Click here to join now, Join Redbubble.
Flexible pricing structures allow the seller to adjust prices when needed.
Definitely has that artist feel to it. It’s seems laid back, fun, welcoming.
Redbubble has a forum where you can receive support from other artists as well as critiques.
Featured Artists of the day, a great way to promote artists and increase exposure.
Customer service is pretty outstanding.
Uploading speeds for artwork is fast.
Quality products.
Redbubble provides a widget to easily share on the various social media platforms out there. This may prove helpful in providing traffic and eyes on products.
Adding and tweaking your artwork on their platform to match the product is simple and easy to use. I found it a lot easier than most of their competitors.
A good reputation.
The freedom to markup beyond RB 20% markup, giving you more control over price and profits.
You are able to use Google Analytics in conjunction with RB to effectively track traffic.
The ability to apply tags to your art, to help people find
Redbubble has a blog, with a plethora of useful information for the newbie and expert. Found here, Redbubble Blog.
BubbleMail – an email program that allows you to communicate with others that occupy Redbubble.
A comprehensive Help Center, to answer most questions.
Payments are paid automatically, with no minimums. Either through PayPal or direct deposit into a bank account.
The Bad:
Prices on some products due seem to be a little high.
It’s probably not the best way as an artist to make money as you will only receive a percentage of the sales.
It’s up to you to market your work as well, creating Facebook pages, or your own website.
Payments are made once a month on the 15th.
Redbubble Tips
Creative Market is one of my top tips for t-shirt designers, for both newbies and seasoned vets. They have many graphics that you could potentially use for your t-shirt designs for a very cheap price. I highly recommend taking a look at them.
A small taste of what Creative Market has to offer. Take a look.
Upload the highest quality to get the highest quality product. If you have low-resolution artwork it will show up on the product.
Proudly display your artwork. This would include wearing your designed t-shirts or phone cases. This allows you to display your artwork and people might ask you about it, then you can direct them to your Redbubble page. Free advertising!
You are allowed 50 keywords per artwork. Use the full 50 or at least try. This will greatly help people using the search button to potentially find your artwork. Be accurate as well, try to nail down everything in the art, as well as the style of the art as well. For example, black cat, green eyes, cat, black, kitty, kitty cat, etc.
Set up your profile with a picture and cover image that is relevant to you. As well as personal information, try to make it interesting and honest.
Redbubble Alternatives
There are quite a few companies that are very similar to Redbubble. Please feel free to check out them out.
Someone looking to make some money selling their artwork. It’s a nice start to getting you to shift your creating art to you marketing your own art, all the while making money from it. Redbubble provides a decent platform in order to accomplish this.
Redbubble Tools & Training
One really needs to go through the Selling training located within the help section under Selling. Just to familiarize and learn, especially if you a rookie at selling.
Screenshot of Selling Help Page.
Redbubble Support
Decent support.
My Final Opinion of Redbubble
I absolutely love the number of products they have which in which your artwork may be placed on. Redbubble has a variety of products, in spades, especially compared to other Print On Demand companies. Try over 60 products. They offer flexible price setting allowing to get what you think your art is worth to you. Their platform is simple to use as well. With the quality of products to boot, this would be a hard platform on which to pass up selling on.
It’s no wonder why Redbubble is a popular place for artists.
Redbubble at a Glance…
Name: Redbubble
Website: Owners: Martin Hosking, Peter Styles, and Paul Vanzella Price: Free to join. Overall Scam Rank: 7.6 out of 10
Hold On, Before You Go…
If you are looking for another 100% legit way to make money, by owning your own online business and building it from scratch. This method provides the best training online along with the most helpful and friendly community online also. With multiple avenues for support to get you building your online business. I highly recommend you read my #1 Recommended Program and sign up to get started today. This can change your life.
If you have any comments or questions, feel completely free to leave them below.
When you buy something from this website, I may receive an affiliate commission.
These are my opinions and are not representative of the companies that create these products.
My reviews are based on my personal own experience and research.
I never recommend poor quality products or create false reviews to make sales.
It is my intention to explain products so you can make an informed decision on which ones suit your needs best.
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18 Comments on “What Is RedBubble? Can You Make Money With RedBubble?”
Redbubble seem like a good opportunity for artist that’s want to make some extra cash from their ark and let face it that is a goal for most artists.
I am a pretty good drawer and painter and could probably be really good at it but I don’t do it a lot.
Im not passionate enough about it to make do it full time.
In school, I chose PE over art, even after the art teacher said I should choose art because I was really good at it.
I would have chose are but I like PE more and we could not choose both one or the other
Well, do what you love, if you are meant to do it later in life then it might happen for you. But make no mistake about it, money can be made from designing t-shirts, and this might be all the motivation you need. Hope this helps you.
Redbubble is by far and away a better company than GearBubble. Better for both customer and designers. Better options all the way around and a stellar reputation to go along with that. GearBubble has been having problems as of late with order fulfillment and a host of other problems. Stick with Redbubble until things improve at Gearbubble.
Thanks for sharing this useful article. I’ve tried Teespring before and had made a few bucks but I had to spend a lot of money on Facebook ads. I’ve read some reviews stating that it’s difficult to get some traction. In your opinion which is better Redbubble or Teespring?
Great question, I don’t think you can as Amazon has there own Program for that and it is called Merch by Amazon. But you can join Merch and post your same design there. I haven’t investigated Merch yet but plan on shortly delving into it soon. If you go to the page you can request an invitation to join. Hope this helps.
I know they have different currencies you can select, unsure if you can get paid in rupees. Just sign up and see for yourself if they offer it. Report back here and I will share it.
Rebubble is one of the best about Copyright out there. I disagree with you. Every company is going to have complaints that is business for any length of time. Redbubble protects copyrighted materials and is super protective of artists, this alone is a reason for Redbubble to be legit.
I have nothing to do with redbubble. I am just a user and I have been using it for years. I have bought so many print on demand items there. They have a good quality control system to check if their designers have done a good job or not. They have extensive control panel to help newbies in easy way. It is not a scam in any way. You can go to their website and find out for yourself. Redbubble is just the perfect place to buy cool stuff on print on demand.
Redbubble seem like a good opportunity for artist that’s want to make some extra cash from their ark and let face it that is a goal for most artists.
I am a pretty good drawer and painter and could probably be really good at it but I don’t do it a lot.
Im not passionate enough about it to make do it full time.
In school, I chose PE over art, even after the art teacher said I should choose art because I was really good at it.
I would have chose are but I like PE more and we could not choose both one or the other
Well, do what you love, if you are meant to do it later in life then it might happen for you. But make no mistake about it, money can be made from designing t-shirts, and this might be all the motivation you need. Hope this helps you.
This is quite different. I honestly havent seen anything like it.
It does look like a great program for artists. A great way to get there work out there and get paid for it.
This may be a con but I think it would be great for artists just starting out and trying to get their work seen.
The review is great. If I was an artist I would be very interested but unfortunately I cant even draw stick men.
I have a hard time drawing as well, but I find making images online a whole lot easier than hand drawing. Maybe you should try your hand at that.
I really enjoy using RB and it is a great idea for new artists to get their work seen.
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the content about RedBubble.
I have to admit that I’ve never heard of it until I read this haha. In your opinion, how does RedBubble compares to GearBubble?
Have you ever used GearBubble? If yes, what do you think of it?
Looking forward for your response!
Thanks again!
Kind Regards
Redbubble is by far and away a better company than GearBubble. Better for both customer and designers. Better options all the way around and a stellar reputation to go along with that. GearBubble has been having problems as of late with order fulfillment and a host of other problems. Stick with Redbubble until things improve at Gearbubble.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for sharing this useful article. I’ve tried Teespring before and had made a few bucks but I had to spend a lot of money on Facebook ads. I’ve read some reviews stating that it’s difficult to get some traction. In your opinion which is better Redbubble or Teespring?
I love Redbubble, teespring is nice too. I really recommend selling on all the sites to get greater exposure and possible more income.
Hi Dan,
Can I put designs made on Redbubble on to Amazon and sell them there? With the designs (say, a mug) being printed and shipped by Redbubble?
Great question, I don’t think you can as Amazon has there own Program for that and it is called Merch by Amazon. But you can join Merch and post your same design there. I haven’t investigated Merch yet but plan on shortly delving into it soon. If you go to the page you can request an invitation to join. Hope this helps.
Can we get payment in Indian rupees from redbubble? In payment options indian rupee is not mentioned. So what Indians will have to do to get started?
I know they have different currencies you can select, unsure if you can get paid in rupees. Just sign up and see for yourself if they offer it. Report back here and I will share it.
Please do a review of Vida and Co’s affiliate program too!
Never heard of them what do they do/make?
Redbubble scores as bad as gearbubble on BBB & complaintsboard
53 complaints on BBB & 173 with 1% resolved on complaintsboard – its a dog
Rebubble is one of the best about Copyright out there. I disagree with you. Every company is going to have complaints that is business for any length of time. Redbubble protects copyrighted materials and is super protective of artists, this alone is a reason for Redbubble to be legit.
I have nothing to do with redbubble. I am just a user and I have been using it for years. I have bought so many print on demand items there. They have a good quality control system to check if their designers have done a good job or not. They have extensive control panel to help newbies in easy way. It is not a scam in any way. You can go to their website and find out for yourself. Redbubble is just the perfect place to buy cool stuff on print on demand.
I love Redbubble. They have so many good positive features it is hard to do better than Redbubble.