Is My Business Venture A Scam?

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12 Comments on “Is My Business Venture A Scam?

    • These are both great methods of earning money online. Both methods take time and work to start seeing results. This is dependent on too many factors, as every person is different, to work ethic, to niche, to knowledge, etc, etc. You cannot effectively tell someone what they could make this amount in this amount of time. It’s just not practical or honest. It just wouldn’t be correct. To many variables. Both methods are proven methods of making money online with. Both methods have people making amazing amounts of money with and both methods have had people that made nothing with them. It pretty much solely on the person building the business and how they run their business. Both methods don’t promise instant success. It takes work and immersion.
      I hope this helps you make an informed decision. MBV provides a more hands off approach, which you pay more for (but it’s well worth it), while WA is a more hands on approach where you learn and implement what you learn, building your business basically all by yourself. I love both methods as they both fill a need for a certain type of person.
      Let me know if you need more help.

  1. Hello Dan,

    Your post is very detailed. Thanks a lat for being honest with your review on this online program- My Business Venture. In fact today is my first time of hearing about this post. However looking at your review, it looks as if My Business Venture is a very legitimate company, especially since they have been in the system for about 25 years.

    I really like the fact that they help you build your own business website and also they have numerous products which you can promote on your website.

    My only little problem with My Business Venture is their start up pricing. I mean $2,795.00 being the standard price is not s small thing at all. I think its good for those who are financially well off and some of us who are now beginning as newbies in online entrepreneurship.

    I think Wealthy Affiliate which you recommended is worth considering, I will give it a try to see how things work out.

    • It comes down to the money you have available and the work load. Wealthy Affiliate is cheaper but you’ll be working harder as well. My Business Venture does require more money up front but with less work, this is appealing to many people that want to start a business but not take so long as well.

      Both are great companies and both are worth a look.

  2. Hello Dan,

    I was searching the web on how to make money and stumbled upon your website.

    This is a very detailed review on BV, but after reading the article, I decided to give wealthy affiliate a shot instead.

    The cost was the determining factor for me because I am new to online marketing and I want to at least get my feet wet first, so spending thousands of dollars to get started is an investment that I can’t afford to risk at the moment.


    • Glad to help you make up your mind on the matter. Some people do have the money and want to work less, either way both of them (Wealthy Affiliate or My Business Venture) are great opportunities to earn money. 

  3. Hi Dan,
    I am a former brick and morter small business owner. I was looking for something online and stumbled onto your website. I am familiar with WA but not MBV. Just curious if you use both or just WA and if you are happy with them?
    Thank you,

    • Yes, both companies are complete legit. My Business Venture is ran by a really honest and nice guy. I regularly communicate with him and he is fully committed to satisfying his customers. They provide a more hands on approach to having an online business and work/help to get you started and running your business. If you have the money and want to more easily create a website this is the way to go, but if you don’t you can build your website from the ground up with Wealthy Affiliate. Both are good options, I feel MBV is more for people with more money to invest with less of the work involved. You will get your money’s worth with them.

    • MBV is a great honest company that provides a superior service. I have 100% confidence in this company and I highly recommend it.

  4. I actually bought this so called franchise and I can tell you first hand that it is a total rip off and a scam.
    When I initially inquired with the owner, Thomas Stridiron, about the franchise, he called me consistently trying to convince me to buy into it. He made it seem like I would be trained on his proven systems (like any franchise would) to guarantee my success.
    What franchise doesn’t want their franchisee to succeed?
    It turns out that to get the training one would need to actually be profitable, you would have to shell out an additional $300 – $500 per course!
    The Franchise itself costs $5,000. I did the payment plan with $1,000 down and about $100/month.
    They make you use their hosting company which runs you about $400/year. I can use my own hosting company for cheaper, but they say you have to host with them to have the “back office”.
    Then they have the service fees for the merchant account (which I didn’t use because I didn’t make ONE sale) and that ran about $50/month. There were a few times were they double charged me and I had to complain and had my money refunded twice.
    The domain name is ridiculously expensive. They are basically buying it from Go Daddy and charging you more than double. I complained about this and then they transferred it to my Go Daddy account.
    It was very frustrating trying to get the store going with zero help. I didn’t know what I was doing.
    I bought this franchise thinking that I would actually get an education on how the drop shipping business works so that I can run my store profitably.
    With the money I spent, I would have been better off buying a few items wholesale and trying to sell them on eBay or Etsy. I’m just going to call this the school of hard knocks. A very expensive lesson indeed!
    The store was stocked with basic items that anyone could buy anywhere. I didn’t get to choose what I wanted for my store. When I asked if I could pick what to sell in my store, I was told that was another package which cost even more money.
    So exactly what did I buy here?
    They really sell the logo that they create for you. Um…I can create my own logo! As a matter of fact, I can build my own store.
    What I really needed to learn was how the business of drop shipping works, which Thomas led me to believe that buying his franchise would do that.
    The only thing this business is definitely good at is selling their franchise and scamming people out of money.
    I had to tell them to shut it all down because it wasn’t working for me.
    They didn’t even show empathy or try to help me in any way. They said I still have to pay the balance, even though I’m not using the store and it never produced income like I was led to believe. They are calling me every day now and threatening to turn my account to collections. I don’t have any money to pay this bill because I didn’t make any money.
    So save your money people and learn on your own because “My Business Venture” is a scam.

    • It is not for everyone as many people can do tasks you mention on their own time. Sorry for your experience, I have dealt with Thomas and he seems very considerate.

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