Do You Have The Affiliate Marketing Blues?

Does Affiliate Marketing Have You Singing The Blues?
Along with this journey we choose to embark on, this affiliate marketing journey, as with any journey there are highs and lows. Filled with pure ecstatic joys and low down deep hue blues. So I ask you, do you have the affiliate marketing blues? Are you down on your self and your work? Thinking of giving up? Wait…a damn minute, I hope to help. Read on.
Typically, if you do take comfort in the fact that we ALL (affiliate marketers) have been in a negative vibe over our business at one time or another. This is completely natural as if it was always smooth sailing all the time, we would have little appreciation and drive to continue onward. The roller-coaster of life is designed this way, everything in life swings up and down and for the most part, settles and stabilizes in the middle the majority of the time.
The reason for me writing is partly cathartic and also a tremendous inner wanting to help people struggling with quitting their affiliate marketing business. I have wanted to quit so many times, myself. Just Don’t Quit. I am going to say it again JUST DON’T QUIT!
If you truly love what your doing don’t give up on yourself. As I wish to help by passing on knowledge to help realize that this is completely normal and just a phase we all go through. Well, unless you were born with that proverbial golden horseshoe up your ass, where everything you do just bleeds money. But with most people, it’s a constant struggle of learning and implementing and readjusting. This is the case for most of us.
I am a big fan of blues music, the old scratchy recordings as well as contemporary blues musicians. There is good and bad blues music. I think I heard reports of blues music unpopularity at a dismal 3% of the population identifies as blues music as their favorite music genre. Well, this wasn’t always the case. It was at one time quite popular, believe it or not. What does this have to do with affiliate marketing?
Well, well, well, just to show you the flow of life, the ups, and downs of everything. Who knows it could regain its former foothold and become popular again. Blues music should have the blues over its popularity. But it doesn’t really matter? Not really because it’s the journey that matters. Not the rewards or the downfalls of popularity. Its the growth and rewards of the many people that have taken something away from the music. Relief, joy, acceptance, shared empathy, etc.
How do I know people also go through feeling bad or negative feelings about their business? I am blessed to belong to a community of affiliate marketers that share information and the ups and downs of affiliate marketing, as well as teach proper affiliate marketing techniques. People share their progress, and failures, all the while someone is providing a positive angle on it or providing motivation. It’s such a positive learning environment.
One of the common replies to someone wanting to give up is, don’t quit. Just keep following the courses and adjusting where you need to adapt and to plow forward. Always forward and don’t give up on yourself. Stay in the game. Results will come in time and with work. Just don’t give up.
Let’s be honest, we fill negative a lot of the times due to the fact of we are simply not making any money, but we are working so freaking hard. Or maybe it’s the lack of traffic to our website. Or whatever the reason is. We are essentially waiting for evidence to show up for our hard work. Affiliate marketers need to be strong and patience because it is SOOOOOO HARD waiting sometimes a year to two years to see the desired results from their efforts. This is what makes or breaks most people in affiliate marketing. The lack of positive results.
But what do people that have made it say? They constantly say, “Don’t quit!” If you don’t quit the result will come.
The same is true with affiliate marketing! Yep, it’s a higher spiritual take on business in general. Sometimes you must think higher than your problem to find your answers.
What To Do First
So, the first step is to realize that this happens to everyone and it is natural. You are not alone, and everyone goes through this stage multiple times. Yep…you heard me right, numerous times. It is definitely not a one and done stage, it hits you numerous times, and especially when you think your bullet-proof. It’s part of earning your affiliate marketing scars or stripes. The rite of passage into the world affiliate marketing.
One thing I know for sure is if it is worth doing, it won’t be easy. Affiliate marketing isn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination.
Just remember, it’s normal to feel this way.
Second Step
The second step is to evaluate your strategies and make adjustments where needed. See where you need room for improvement. You should be asking yourself, “What can I learn from this?” Instead of “why is this happening to me?” This is fundamentally important to get you thinking of a proactive method of addressing and handling just about any problem in life including affiliate marketing. Their problems could be in the thousands and vary significantly for each individual.
Some examples are:
- Are you dedicated enough to your business where you are posting 2 to 3 times a week?
- Where is your traffic is coming from?
- Is it the traffic you are hoping for?
- Are you writing with a goal in mind?
- What are pages getting traffic? Have you optimized your content on this page?
Third Action
Thirdly, push on through. Take action, do what you need to do from step 2 and make it so. Through action results will happen, there is no other way. This is a must. Keep working! Don’t give up. Push through all negative feelings. Try to take action.
Even if you don’t feel like it, do it anyways. Even if it is the smallest thing, do that. It is better than doing nothing at all. Do your best! Hold yourself accountable for this. I often say I am doing my as best as I can when I feel like I am struggling to get something done.
These negative feelings are only temporary, so don’t let that rattle you too much. The negative is needed just as much as the positive. The negative allows for reevaluation and change to take place. Within negative lives positive and within positive lives negative, much like the yin and yang symbol. Duality. With the Yin carrying the Yang seed and the Yang carrying the Yin seed, that’s what the two dots are, the opposites seed. They constantly spin in a constant state of motion, chasing each other seeking balance, much like life.
Crucial Notes On Being An Affiliate Marketer
Important side note here as well, don’t compare yourself to others success or failures. We each have different amounts of time we can work on our businesses as well as attributes we bring to the table. We succumb to this at one time or another, but it usually doesn’t end well. Judge your success by the work you have done not by what others have accomplished. We lose sight of how far we have learned and accomplished in our business.
Work at your own pace, with what time you have available to work and not someone else’s pace.
Like me for example, I often forget, I started from ground zero and built two websites working two jobs. I have pushed through multiple personal barriers to get there and for me this just as rewarding as earning money. I am an introvert by nature, and I have come out of my shell more and more by writing and making videos and expressing my opinions and feelings. This is hard for me to do publicly but I pushed through this and did it anyway. This also a great confidence builder by owning and building your own business.
Don’t take yourself so seriously either. Have a laugh at your failures when you’re ready. This will offer great relief.
Movement is important no matter how small. Keep working through the blues.
This is a marathon, not a sprint. Go at your own pace.
Find positively wherever you can. Surround your self with it. Music, podcast, books, friends, family or whatever.
Affiliate marketing is hard, give yourself credit for doing it. The longer you hang in there the easier and healthier you should feel about yourself. If this was easy more people would be doing it.
Remember to breathe.
Blues In Affiliate Marketing Conclusion
It common to get down on your self or have pockets of doubts when building and maintaining a business, but good results will come if you stick with it and use proper techniques. I would like to suggest if you need training in affiliate marketing with nothing left out and that would include support, training, motivation, website hosting, everything.
Wealthy Affiliate is the whole enchilada, my amigo. It has it all, doesn’t matter if you are a complete newbie or experienced affiliate marketer. It offers something for everyone, and its system works and is affordable. More importantly it just freaking works!
Read my full in-depth review here. Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016, Legit Money Maker? I also have a wealth of information pertaining to Wealthy Affiliate under the Getting Started tab at the top of the page.
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So don’t you dare quit on yourself, Ever!
Would welcome and love people sharing their own personal experience or feelings, either good or bad with affiliate marketing.
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So great your post
Thank you for your kind words. Affiliate marketing is hardest in the beginning because you’re not seeing any results but are working hard and you’re full of steam. This is just a wall you must pass through.
Hi Dan,
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Secondly what wordpress plugins can be used with these type of website to improve website performance and SEO. Please assist men in this respect.
Looking forward for your response and thanks in advance.
I really don’t have experience setting up a coupon or cashback websites. I have experience with using a coupon site, ie Dealspotr. I wish I did but I don’t have knowledge. Maybe you could reach out to a similar site and see if they will offer some help getting started. I really like Dealspotr and how they run things.