Wealthy Affiliate Review 2018: Does It Work Or Is It A Scam

Wealthy Affiliate
Overall Ranking: 9 out of 10
Price: Prices start at $0 for Starter Membership, $495 for the Premium Membership, and $995 for the Premium Plus Membership
Owners: Kyle & Carson
Website: www.WeathlyAffiliate.com
Hey…Have You Met Wealthy Affiliate Yet?
You’re probably googling Wealthy Affiliate because you’re wondering if it works or is it a scam. Or were pointed here by me specifically? At least that is how most people find this page.
If you haven’t met Wealthy Affiliate yet, let me introduce you to it.
Wealthy Affiliate is like having a great personal mentor that will teach you how to build a business online that earns and makes you money. Like that rich Uncle, you never had that would guide you to wealth.
Lifes Turning Points
Turning point moments in life happen rarely, you know those moments when you meet your soulmate or greatest friend or land that job from being in the right place at the right time.
I equate this moment for you, as one of those moments in life. Pretty forward of me, right? Kind of I guess as I am just speaking from my own experience when I first met Wealthy Affiliate through a video on YouTube.
I still remember my moment, I still remember the exact video, and I still remember the person who got me started. I still remember the excitement, fear, and eagerness of wanting to find out more about Wealthy Affiliate. Something inside me told me to jump on this, that quiet voice that speaks very softly. You learn to listen to this voice.
I’ve been burnt before, but still, this didn’t stop me from looking for ways to build my own business and make money by working for myself.
Requirements For You To Succeed At WA?
Success does not come easily to most people, some have to work harder than others. Each person’s journey at Wealthy Affiliate is different than the next person’s. Different niche selection, as well as keyword selection, determines a lot. Hard consistent work determines a bulk of it too.
I can tell you, you do not need to be college-educated to thrive here. Nor do you need to be a computer wiz to be successful. If you stay the course with the training, success will follow. It will take a while at least 6 months, or longer but it works. Stay with it!
I can generally lay out what is needed for a person to join Wealthy Affiliate. The qualities, characteristics, and work ethic.
- You will need to work for yourself. Hard sometimes.
- You will need patience. Success doesn’t happen overnight!
- Consistently. One of the best tools is doing work consistently.
- Stay positive. Positivity helps with earning money.
This Is My #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online
Why is that?
Before we get deep into it the many features of Wealthy Affiliate, read a general overview of why I recommend it and more importantly why I am an active paying member.
#1 – Best Supportive Community Online
You’re not going to be by yourself struggling, locked in indecision. This community is a rare thing on the internet. Experienced, diversified, helpful, friendly, positive, honest, real, goal-oriented, like-minded people, and very active. Just try to find a better community online, you won’t, period.
#2 – It Freaking Works
You will make money if you follow the courses and training. It doesn’t promise FAST EASY MONEY but it does work. Scams promise the world, Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t promise you anything but the best training on how to make money online. The training works!
#3 – It’s 100% FREE to Join
No credit card information to enter, or payment of any type to join the FREE membership. Just your name, email. Simple. ***A important note once you join, you should add an avatar or picture of yourself and write a short profile description of yourself. This helps people know that you are active there, people are more likely to say hello and network with you. So many people just join and don’t do this and they never engage anyone, thus never experiencing the full experience.***
Plus you’ll have Premium Membership for your first seven days after joining the Free Membership, this is there for you to see everything that there is to offer at Wealthy Affiliate. To make an educated decision about joining. Not to hide anything from you. So, when you join, explore. Get on the chat platform and ask questions. Some of the most often questions by new people are, can I make money, how fast does this work, how many hours a day must I work, and How much money can I make? You will get answers. Honest answers, from real people. Try it and see.
#4 – Everything You Need To Succeed
It’s all under one roof here. It has web hosting, domain registration, support (community, owners, website), training,
#5 – Owners
When you have owners that care and invest in growing and building while making sure to give their members the best possible chance of flourishing, you have found something worth joining. Btw, there are two owners, Kyle and Carson. They are active and yes, you can ask them questions and they do answer you back. Every year they look for ways to improve Wealthy Affiliate. I will be highlighting these below so keep reading and trust me, the updates are pretty freaking good.
Nuts & Bolts Of Wealthy Affiliate
Now we know why I can’t recommend it enough to people, let’s define and find out what Wealthy Affiliate is all about.
To sum up, what Wealthy Affiliate is briefly, it is an educational platform that teaches you how to build and make money online.
It is also a very interactive community of like-minded individuals that just happen to be entrepreneurs, all helping each other out.
This is paramount to your success, not just one mentor but thousands of mentors. They help you with questions, they write training lessons, and they offer what plugins to use. It’s all there to learn from and build a successful business out of.
I know I review many platforms, some legit some complete scams. The funny thing is I haven’t found a better system online yet that even starts to offer what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.
Here are the features of Wealthy Affiliate.
- Active Helpful Community
- Free Keyword Research Tool
- Live Chat
- Live Help
- Website Backup
- Website Feedback Platform (Important for optimizing website)
- Website Comment Platform (Important for traffic)
- Private Messaging
- Live Training Sessions (usually Friday night)
- Recorded Classrooms
- Affiliate Bootcamp
- Certification Course
- Website Security
- Affiliate Program
- Domain and Hosting
- 10 websites
What Is New At Wealthy Affiliate 2018?
- New Training Interface
- Free SSL With All Websites (HTTPS: the green lock) This is amazing!
- SiteProtect With All Websites
- Over 52 New Live Classes are added each year.
New Training Interface
This streamlines the look and feels of progress through the training. You are better able to access where you are and what is ahead in future training.
I really love the new look and it definitely helps you to punch through the training and keep you progressing.
This is an option new this year. It is the green padlock or the HTTPS you see on SSL sites. SSL means Secure Socket Layer.
This is a great feature and will drastically help with traffic and trust when setting up your website you just have to click the on or off button to turn it on.
Some Of The Benefits Of Having an SSL Certificate.
- Easy to turn On or Off. Super easy to install.
- Search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) tend to rank websites that have SSL than websites that don’t
- With 256-bit encryption, your site will hack-proof.
- Visitors are reassured that their information is safe.
- Can implement and accept payments online via your website.
This is free with all websites
4 Step Process Of Making Money At Wealthy Affiliate
To quickly summarize how Wealthy Affiliate teaches you to make money in just four steps.
- Choose An Interest – This is so important going forward. You choose whatever you are interested in. We all have hobbies or interests that we follow or do in our spare time. This is what you will be designing your website around. How cool is that? It can almost be anything.
- Build a Website – Amazingly, in under 30 seconds, you can have your website up and running. Watch it here for yourself, Website in Under 30 seconds. This is one of the owners, you’ll get a good idea by watching this. It’s simple too, but if something does go wrong then support is quick to fix any problems.
- Get Rankings & Visitors – Super important for without rankings and visitors to your site no money can be generated. You will get ranked on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, the major search engines. They lay out how this is done, systematically and correctly. No cheap shortcuts.
- Earn Revenue – You will be making money by selling stuff people want. Not by directly selling but by writing about it on your website and having visitors read your post and if they buy you make a commission. This is called affiliate marketing and is a great way to earn money, especially over direct selling.
Already Have A Great Idea Or Interest? Let’s Start Building That Business Now!
There are literally tens of thousands of interests, you could start with to build a business. It’s not that hard. Wealthy Affiliate basically holds your hand and walks you step-by-step right through. If you have any questions there are multiple avenues of help just waiting there to be used.
As soon as you join, you’ll be given instructions on what to do next.
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