Letgo App Reviews

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letgo App Review

Name: letgo
Website: https://us.letgo.com/en
Price: Free to download
Owners: unknown
Overall Rank: 8 out of 10

letgo – Product Overview

What is letgo app? letgo = A flea market for your smartphone. In my Letgo App Reviews, I plan to highlight all the features found in this amazing app.

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letgo is a uniquely fun way to sell and buy stuff online. It allows you to get money for things you don’t want or need anymore. Or to buy things locally.

To make money sometimes, we must part with things. Sell the items we not attached to anymore or just to make more room in our garage. We are usually left with a few options to sell these things we no longer want. Either through a garage sale, a listing in some type of newspaper, classified ads, eBay or Craigslist.

Well, we can now officially add another option to that list. Along with our current options of how to sell things list, we can add the letgo app. Not only is our options grown larger, it also just became a whole lot easier too.

Enter the letgo app. Not only can you sell your stuff online with ease but you can also find great bargains in your area. Provides a service on both ends, buyer, and seller.

letgo app can either be installed on an android phone or iPhone.

google play button apple button

30 Seconds To List Your Items

It’s much like Craigslist, but with an app to make it much more seamlessly easier to use. To search or list items in your area is so simple. In less than 30 seconds you can get your items up for sale. Now that’s fast!

Did I mention this is completely free!!!!!

Registration is simple and easy, they give you three ways to register. Either through Facebook, Google or through email.

You then can snap up to 5 pictures for each item listed. There is no limit on how many items you can list. When setting a price of an item you can enter a price or leave it blank. If you leave it blank it comes up to buyers as negotiable, then people send you offers.

You can even create a free commercial easily to help sell your products. Just list your item on letgo, then select one of the four commercials available. Then share your commercial. A unique innovative approach to help sell items. Did I mention Dolph Lundren is in one of the commercials.

Once item is sold you must agree upon a date and time for the exchange. Also a location must be determined. A public area is always recommended.

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The Good & The Bad

The Good:

  • Fast!!!! Less than 30 seconds.
  • Free Listings!!! No transaction fees. No taking a percentage of sell, just 100% free.
  • A relative safer platform compared to buying through the classifieds ads. Know the location and also review full profiles for sellers or buyers.
  • Ability to use their letgo Commercializer. Hollywood commercial platform to help better to sell your stuff. 4 different commercial to choose from. A great idea.
  • Overall app is easy to use.
  • letgo provides a chat platform to communicate for both buyer and seller. A nice feature.
  • Find deals right around the corner in your neighborhood.
  • Gives you the option of sorting products by price, distance, and the date it was listed.
  • Search feature allows you to look for a specific product.
  • Your friends on Facebook will see what you have for sale.
  • The option to see what in your local neighborhood , or go search farther to city or state.
  • Reviews on Google Play and iTunes have good ratings for letgo app. 4.5 out of 5.
  • The ability to block someone. A must in any social app.
  • A good alternative to having a garage sale.
  • If you have your account at letgo linked through Facebook, the item you are selling will appear on your page. The more eyes on your item the more potential it is to sell.
  • Addresses are shown in approximate location not specific. To more safely list ads.

The Bad:

  • This company has no regards for proper capitalization in its name. (jk)
  • According to many reviews. if you are selling something expect to be low-balled a great deal of the time. Cheapskates everywhere. Prepare for negotiation wars.
  • Buyers sometimes are no shows.
  • Not all items are allowed on letgo. It’s a pretty substantial list, you can check it out here Prohibited List.
  • Even though over 10,000,000 downloads to date, not that well known of a app. But with recent mainstream commercials it surly to become a household name.

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letgo Tips

Always try to bring someone with you when meeting up for exchanging, either buying or selling. Just for safety.

Keep all conversations with the app. Don’t use your email, messaging of other forms of contact. There is no reason to.

Meet for the exchange in a public place, restaurant or shopping center.

Don’t mark item sold until the buyer picks ups and pay for the item.

You can post up to 5 pictures per item listed. I would take advantage of that, to get every angle and detail of product being sold. The more shown the less questions you will have to answer.

Also fill in the description correctly describing your item.

Upload a photo of yourself, to help people recognize you when meeting up.

letgo Alternativesletgo dog

  • Offerup
  • Craigslist
  • Classifieds
  • Ebay
  • Garage Sale
  • Flea Markets

Who is letgo for?

The beauty of letgo is that is for a lot of different people.

  • People looking to make some money.
  • People looking to get rid of stuff, to make room.
  • People who are bargain hunters looking for great deals.

letgo Tools & Training

Both Safety Tips and Prohibited Items is a must read for any user wanting to use this app.

letgo Support

letgo has chat, FAQ and a Contact Us page. There chat seems automated by a bot, at least when I tried to ask a question. Their FAQ page has a large amount of helpful information.

letgo Price

100% Free!!! To use, to sell, to buy. No fees!

My Final Opinion of letgo

In my letgo app reviews I covered the many features and advantages of installing and using this app. The ease of use of letgo and it being 100% completely free is reason alone to download and use this app. It supplies both the ability to sell and buy locally and is much easier to use than most other platforms out there. I think in time this will easily become very popular. I can honestly say I give this app a high review for many reasons. I think you should give it a try for yourself as well.

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letgo  at a Glance…

Name: letgo

Website: https://us.letgo.com/en
Owners: unknown
Price: 100% Free to Sell and Buy
Overall Scam Rank: 8 out of 10


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14 Comments on “Letgo App Reviews

  1. LETGO SUCKS!!! Even after getting verified via email address this stupid app tells me to get verified now – Verified users get faster replies. What kind of crap is that?? They are holding up emails & messages until they get your information? Data mining at it’s finest. I had to give out my phone number because this pathetic app wouldn’t let us have a conversation that didn’t last for days on end. HOW IS ANYONE ABLE TO SELL ON THIS APP????? If this doesn’t get fixed soon, I’m going to pull my listings and delete this rage inducing crap app. They should have left Wallapop alone, they ruined it & now they are crashing it into the ground. It wasn’t broke, it didn’t need fixing or reinventing. I have never hated an app so much in my life. You can’t blow up the pics around the edges, so if you only want to see the middle of the page up close you’re golden. Anything else & it hops from one listing to the next. It is near impossible to just stay on one listing. Wallapop was so good, I can’t believe they made is suck so bad, so fast.

    • Hey Deb,
      Sounds like the app went downhill after the the switch from Wallapop. That is too bad. Progress isn’t always better and Letgo seems to have some problems since the switch. It is for sure a great idea for a app, but by changing things maybe forgot it simplistic roots and ease of use. Thanks for sharing your feelings about Letgo, I appreciate it. I suggest getting a hold of someone there and explaining your complaints. Maybe this will help.

  2. I don’t know how to check my notifications, as well as my reviews, nor anywhere that even TELLS me how to. Frustrating!

  3. Suddenly, when I FAVORITE an item so I can refer back to it for my own use, it NOW emails the seller of that item that I’m interested and ask if it’s still available, when I don’t even want to go that far yet in contacting them. So then the seller, having gotten that notification from Letgo, contacts ME, and gets pissed off, and so much so, that I’ve been blocked by them, when I only wanted to FAVORITE something, not start any communication as of yet. Frustrating, hurtful, and uncalled for.

    • That sounds like a very negative feature to me as well. It shouldn’t be called favorite then it should be called contact seller. I will look into adding this to my review to help other people avoid the problem. Thanks Kim!

  4. Everyone should take advantage of ALL FIVE PICTURES, so that more doesn’t need to be asked for. DIMENSIONS SHOULD BE GIVEN ON EVERY ITEM. (Please instruct people as well HOW to take measurements!!! I am appalled at how many people don’t know how to measure, don’t understand HEIGHT, WIDTH, DEPTH! Or those people who DON’T EVEN HAVE A TAPE MEASURE!!!) Having all these necessary things in the description help eliminate so many confusing questions back and forth and worse. PEOPLE NEED TO BE REMINDED OF THE GOLDEN RULE…treat each other fairly, kindly, and honestly…as you yourself would want to be treated!!! THIS WOULD ELIMINATE A LOT OF PEOPLE BLOCKING PEOPLE BECAUSE OF LOUSY CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!

    • Some really good tips here. I will add them to the description. Doing a little more work while posting a item will save you a lot of time and also the potential buyers time. Keeping it less frustrating for everyone. I can tell you spent some time using Letgo. Maybe someone will benefit from this. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.

  5. I am not finding a method to search for a particular grouping of items, such as “Wedding
    Or Bridal” and how do I know what area I’m searching. I like to advertise within 5-10 miles of my home. Several people that have responded to my posts are disappointed to find out they are too far away….

    • Hey Joanne, I can’t find Wedding or Bridal but other categories you might want to try are Fashion And Accessories and Other. You can set your filters, which is located at the top right hand side of the screen. Then scroll down to Distance and click the one you want. Hope this helps you, if not let me know.

  6. Too many kids on this app, will tell you they are interested and ask questions about items, but have no intention of buying from the get go. For example, I had an item for 50 dollars, buyer asked me questions for DAYS, and then finally said “well I can’t drive yet and I don’t have any money” drove me insane, there needs to be an 18+ age limit. I swear every single day little kids message me for stuff they have no intention of buying.

    • Totally agreed, there needs to be an age limit. As I have also experienced this same scenario using Letgo App. Pretty frustrating! This can add up to a ton of wasted time for a seller and a buyer.
      Thanks for sharing your experience Jake.

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