Name: Receipt Hog Price: Free Owners: ScoutIt, Inc. Overall Rank: 7.5 out of 10
Receipt Hog, Product Overview
What is Receipt Hog? Is Receipt Hog a scam?
I will cover this and tips and much more in my review of Receipt Hog. If you want a short overview on Receipt Hog, head on over to my page, Earn Money From Home. It’s brief and to the point. I also reviewed another receipt app I did ReceiptPal Review.
Also, read below on how to legitimately double the credit for your receipts in Tips & Strategies.
But dare to find out more on this smiling pink swine, then continue to read on.
Getting started, we must first define what Receipt Hog is. Well, Receipt Hog is a free mobile app that is available for both iPhone and Android smartphones It collects your purchase information to research and to collect data from those purchases. Such as, tracking spending habits, items purchased, and store frequently visited. Basically, marketing research. They then in turn, pay you for allowing them to access this information by way of you submitting your receipts. Simple and slightly invasive.
How It Works
Simplified In 3 Steps
Shop at any retailer, big or small.
Snap a picture of your receipt, using your Receipt Hog App with your phone.
Get paid!!!!
This is one of those apps that is so ridiculous easy to do and takes very little time out of your day. Easier than eating bacon, I guess… The layout and ease of use of this app is well thought out. It’s just purely simple and that is a good thing. Takes very little effort to stay on top off adding your receipts and it’s kinda fun also.
How this little pork chop of an app works, is by you taking pictures with your smartphone of your daily shopping receipts and then submitting them to Receipt Hog.
By doing this you either earn Coin Rewards or Spin Rewards. Yeah, rewards!! Coins Rewards can be redeem for real cash by the following two methods, either through a deposit in Paypal (the method I prefer) or though an Amazon gift card. Spin Rewards are awarded with each qualifying receipt at a chance to win Coins via their Hog Slot machine. No guarantee your going to win any coins, but you never know, right?
To reach the top of the Pagoda at Receipt Hog heaven you must submit receipt weekly. There are 25 possible levels to attain. With each successful advancement of levels you receive, either bonus spins or coins. You start at level 1 and for each week you submit a receipt, you get closer to that next level. So it takes more weeks submitting receipts to get to the higher levels. But with each level ascended the thicker the pork belly you receive. (coins or spins)
So, when you are checking out at a store remember always say, “YES” now, when the clerk ask you, “do you want your receipt?” You will find your self saying, “NO” inside your mind, then you remember, I downloaded this receipt app thingy. Oh wait, “yes, I want that receipt“. I still find myself doing this even months after using this app
The amount of coins you receive depends on the amount you spent and what store you spent money at. Different types of store gives you different types of rewards. So, basically there are two types of Rewards: Coin Rewards and Spin Rewards.
Coin Rewards
So, your probably wondering how much coins do I get if I spend a lot of money. The more you spend the larger the coins you receive. Well, check this out.
<$10 = 5 coins
$10-$50 = 10 coins
$50-$100 = 15 coins
$100+ = 20 coins.
Types of retailers that you get Coin Rewards for submitting receipts.
Grocery / Supermarket
Club (Cash and Carry)
Closeout & Discount
Health (Chemist)
Bargain (Dollar / Pound Shops)
Drug & Pharmacy
Liquor (Off-License)
Convenience & Corner Stores
Beauty Supply
Pet Supply
Toy Stores
Mom-and-Pops, Bodegas & Newsagents
Spin Rewards
Screenshot of Hog Slots
Each Spin receipts, earns only 1 spin at the Hog Slots.
Types of retailers that you earn Spin Rewards for submitting receipts from. You do not receive coins from these retailers, but you do receive spins on the old Hog Slots.
Home Improvement
Home Furnishings
Office Supply
Mobile Carrier Store
Arts & Crafts
Sports & Outdoors
These types of receipt will earn you no pig love. So avoid wasting your time snapping pictures of these.
Ticket Stubs
Service Invoices
Credit Card Slips
Hand-Written Receipts
Receipts Older Than 14 days
Refund/Return of Purchase Slips
Non-Standard Receipts Not Printed From a Cash Register
The longer you wait to cash out and accumulate more coins, the greater of coins to cash ratio is in your favor.
1000 coins to get $5 (minimum needed to cash out).
1800 coins to get $10 – if you wait you save 200 coins
3200 coins to get $20 – and so on
4500 coins to get $30 – and so on
Monthly Sweepstakes
Also a small bonus, every receipt submitted to Receipt Hog gives you an entry into their monthly Sweepstakes drawing. This pink pig apps will show you how many participants are in the monthly drawing on the home page, along with your entries for the month. The more entries, the more chances to win.
Just entries into the Monthly Sweepstakes from these retailers. So it might be worth submitting, just for the odd chance of winning. I just submit all my receipts and let the chips fly wherever they land.
Gas / Petrol-only Receipts
Receipts from Restaurants & Bars
Receipts from Bakeries, Delis, and Cafes
Prize                    Number of Winners
5000 coins         5
200 coins           500
20 coins            5000
The Good & The Bad
The Good:
Can cash out when you reach $5.00. (but you get a better deal if you wait and accumulate more coins)
Simple and Easy to use. So simple a pig could do it.
Rewards Active members by allowing them to earn more coins by taking a short survey, barcode scans, or just simply more spins at the Hog Slot.
Every Month has Challenges, which you can earn bonus Hog slots spins! Just submit a qualifying receipt for each week in the month to be entered.
Long Receipts are not a problem, just make sure you snap a picture and keep moving down to get everything on the receipt. Then click the Done button. Taking as many multiple pictures as necessary.
6-1-2016 as of now, Receipt Hog accepts Amazon receipt by connecting your Amazon account to Receipt Hog. You can connect via the Rewards tab. While they don’t except all e-receipts yet…this is a nice step going foreword.
The Bad:
20 receipt maximum for a week.
You not going to get rich with this app.
Loss of privacy on what you submit. Keep in mind, if your not comfortable sharing a receipt, skip that one. Easy. Somewhere, somebody is observing what you purchase and bought and where you shopped. No free rides, something always cost something.
Receipts need to be uploaded within 14 days of transaction. After that they are just good fire starters.
Need to stay active or account will be taken away. Word on the street is 3 months of inactivity.
Some receipt take longer to clear. But it usually the same day or hours.
E-receipts do not currently qualify for rewards. **Update 6-1-2016, they now allow you to connect to your Receipt Hog account to Amazon to earn coins by connecting your account to Amazon.
Referral program for the U.S. has been stopped due to to many people joining already and reaching Receipt Hog’s carrying capacity. Bummer…But the U.K. still has their referral program up.
Receipt Hog Tips & Strategies
Make sure your receipts pictures are nice and clear when taking pictures of them. If the picture is out of focused, I tap the screen then the image becomes clearer, then hold steady and snap photo.
If you bought something personal and don’t want to share with the Receipt Hog, simply take a black marker and cross it out on receipt. I am embarrassed to share the amount of toilet paper I buy, FYI. jk.
Once you reach 100 coins for the week, you should stop submitting and wait til next week to submit them. For you will only receive 5 coins no matter the value of money spent.
A little useless bonus information about Receipt Hog, when you are in the app if you touch the pig, you get a sound that is a pig grunting. GREEAAATTT !!!!!!Huh…but I just find myself doing it for no reason at all.
When you are in the app under Receipts, you can view and see what your receipt qualified for. Just right of the amount in the receipt tab you can see a symbol. This symbol tells you what your receipt qualified for. Either Spin Receipts for Hog Slots, Entries in Sweepstakes or Coins for Cash or gift card, or a combination of these. It’s just a quick way to see what is what if confused.
Another great tip is to use Receipt Hog and ReceiptPal, Ibotta, and Checkout 51 for the same receipts. Submitting your receipts to both sites to help you earn twice the amount for the same receipt. A great way of doubling up. I have been doing this for a while and both companies have never rejected a receipt yet for doing this. I haven’t heard anybody mention doing this, so this makes it a Hot Tip.
As of 6-01-2016, if you link your Amazon Account to Receipt Hog, they give you an initial 36 coins, then for each subsequent month you remain linked to your Amazon account you will receive 5 sweeps entries every month. This can be done through the Rewards tab within the app at the lower right hand side.
Connecting your email with Receipt Hog they will also award you 100 coins for doing this. A great way to start building up you coins. You can connect this through the rewards tab button.
I also recommend you check out Dealspotr here, you can read my review here, What Is Dealspotr?. Why? Because it’s so easy to earn money and save money too. It’s one of my favorite right now at the moment.
Who is Receipt Hog For?
Just about everyone with a smartphone would benefit from using this app. People willing to invest a smidgen of their time for a small monetary gain. I think the trade off for time invested scanning receipts is a fair trade off for money received. It’s a another avenue for people that love to clip coupons or that take advantage of store deals to save an additional amount.
Receipt Hog Tools & Training
It so simple to use this Hog of receipts, there is not much in the way of training. But RH does have a support page on their website and a place to submit a question or get help.
Receipt Hog Price
FREE!!! (oh wait, a little of your privacy is lost) Maybe that matters maybe not.
My Final Opinion of Receipt Hog
Is Receipt Hog a scam? No, hell no, it ain’t. The small amount of negatives don’t overshadow the benefits of using this little money maker app. They definitely pay people and is a widely used app, so this is a totally legit app that pays money. The short amount of time to take pictures of receipts it is almost effortless. So I highly recommend this pink portly porker of an app named Receipt Hog, so feel free to feed this pig…
Receipt Hog at a Glance…
Name: Receipt Hog Owners: ScoutIt, Inc. Price: Free Overall Scam Rank: 7.5 out of 10
If you have any questions or would like to comment on Receipt Hog, please do so below. Thanks
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43 Comments on “Is Receipt Hog A Scam?”
Hey! I have this app as well and so far I haven’t reached to the point of my first £5 yet so I’m looking forward to it. Although I must admit I stopped since last week because of my hectic schedule but seeing this gives me the motivation to carry on! Thanks!
Hey Glenda, I’m the same way, some weeks, just to busy to enter receipts, but I keep the receipts around until I have more time. I am so honored that I help keep you motivated. Keep racking up them points.
Receipt Hog is one of those apps on my iPhone that I haven’t really used that much. After reading this, it might be worth taking another look. I get so lazy sometimes and just throw my receipts out when they could actually be helping me earn more money. It is unfortunate that they only let you scan 20 receipts per week. (I think I shop more than that haha).
I can definitely relate to being lazy about scanning the receipts. Sometimes, I just stockpile them, then binge scan them until I get caught up, but making sure I stay within the two week window of the time when I received the receipts. Nobody likes limits, do they. You might have a problem spending (lol).
Hi there! Thank you for introducing us to receipt hog. It sounds very interesting. Earning money from a mobile app just for submitting your receipts. It is the first time I hear about that. Do you know if it is available in all countries? How long does it take till you reach the 5$? Thanks again! Effie.
Hey Effie, it’s just real easy and I really like easy. The only countries that Receipt Hog is available is the US and the United Kingdom. It took me like 2 months of causally entering some of my receipts.
I also use Receipt Hog and have found it to be very entertaining and fun. What I really like is that you can take multiple pictures if you have a really long receipt. But it’s definitely not a scam and takes only a few minutes of your time every time you get a receipt.
Glad you like it too. It is very quick and easy to do, if you stay on top of it. Sometimes, i just let them accumulate. I am very surprised at the amount of people that use this app, it must be a very popular app. Thanks for the comment.
A friend and I were talking and she was telling me about apps that pay you to take pictures of your receipts. It sounded to good to be true, so I did a bit of digging.
I had no idea this was even a thing. While it seems like a legitimate opportunity. Since you aren’t paying for anything up front you won’t lose anything other than perhaps the time it takes to snap a picture.
However, it doesn’t seem like a quick way to make money.
I don’t know if this is for me. I would rather put in more effort to have the potential to make more money.
Thanks Simone, for your honesty. You are right it is not a quick way to make money but…it’s not the point of the app to replace any major source of income. The amount of time, to the amount of effort for the amount of pay is in my opinion worth it. It’s super easy. It’s additional income, though not much, it is something and whether or not you should use the App Receipt Hog is up to the individual.
If your looking for more potential in making more money, check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016, Legit Money Maker? It is a proven method to make money and my highest rated but it’s not an overnight thing. It takes time. See you around.
Hey Cookie, it is not a scam at all. You won’t make a lot of money doing it though but is a good way to pull in extra money. They pay thru PayPal which is nice. Hope this helps you.
It just sucks!!! I had over 1500 coins and then i had to reset my phone and when I logged in, it couldn’t find me and started back at 100 coins. I wrote to Receipt Hog and no responeed. Otherwise I was happy with the app, it helped me keep all my receipts in one place.
That would suck, it sure takes a while to get 1500 coins, and I am a little disappointed in Receipt Hog for not getting back to you. I will try to get a hold of them too about your case and see if they will try and help.
Yeah, I agree with you the app works very well, I happily use the app often. I hope my phone doesn’t need to be reset. Thanks for the comment and sharing your experience.
Hey Angela, I got a hold of Receipt Hog and they said they are taking care of it now. Below is the message I received from them.
The Receipt Hog (Receipt Hog Support)
Sep 19, 15:46 PDT
Hey there,
Thanks for reaching out on her behalf! We’ll follow up with this user now.
Receipt Hog Support Team
Please feel free to reach back out or refer to our FAQ if you have any other questions for us.
Sorry, I mislead you. Your are right, people are not able to upload Amazon receipts, they are allowed to connect the Amazon account to Receipt Hog to earn a one time payment along with 5 sweepstakes entries every month. Sorry, for the confusion and thank you for pointing that out to Vishal.
I don’t know of any other way of joining, when I joined I had no problem with it. The only other suggestion I would have would be try ReceiptPal and Checkout 51 apps, I have written reviews about these two app. I use these in conjunction with Receipt Hog and actually Checkout 51 is a lot faster at earning money. Take a look.
Thanks for commenting and letting us know, glad you love it. It is pretty easy to just scan them and earn money from doing that. Have you tried using Receipt Pal too? You can use both the programs for the same receipts, Receipt Hog and Receipt Pal. A great way to double your cash.
It’s great if you are a mystery shopper as you are getting paid to buy the items anyway. It’s also good if you can talk your colleagues and family into giving you receipts.
Hey Carrie, Thanks for sharing your tips. Mystery Shoppers would definitely benefit from using Receipt Hog, great idea! I always felt extreme couponers would love Receipt Hog too, as it would definitely optimize the amount of money they could save. I have talked my wife into downloading and using the app, and we have on occasion used each other receipts with no conflicts.
Definitely not a scam! It’s a way of earning a few extra bucks; you aren’t going to get rich off it, but i’m ten points away from my next $40 PayPal reward. Have earned over $200 this way. And if you have a PayPal debit card you have virtually immediate access to your money as soon as they pay it!
Like you say, you’re not going to get rich off it but it does allow you to pull in extra cash from spending money. Which is never a bad thing and it does add up if you keep up with it, like you for example.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I’ve never had a problem with Receipt Hog but I also don’t think I ever gave them my credit card. I find them to be a pretty stand up company. Why would you give them your credit card number? I would try to contact Receipt Hog and ask some questions.
Hope this help Reg.
Im useing receipt hog from the uk and ive nearly got to the £50 mark its took me so long to do it. Nearly 2 and half years but its £50 i didnt have so its a good little earner and stops that 5 mins of boredom each day lol. Get hogging
Hey Helen,
Thanks for verifying that Receipt Hog does pay out. It does take a while to accumulate anything substantial, but it does provide a source of money if you stick with it.
No. Receipt Hog will never charge you anything. I have never had a problem with them or their app. Very secure and honest company. Hope this helps you Taylor.
Hey! I have this app as well and so far I haven’t reached to the point of my first £5 yet so I’m looking forward to it. Although I must admit I stopped since last week because of my hectic schedule but seeing this gives me the motivation to carry on! Thanks!
Hey Glenda, I’m the same way, some weeks, just to busy to enter receipts, but I keep the receipts around until I have more time. I am so honored that I help keep you motivated. Keep racking up them points.
Receipt Hog is one of those apps on my iPhone that I haven’t really used that much. After reading this, it might be worth taking another look. I get so lazy sometimes and just throw my receipts out when they could actually be helping me earn more money. It is unfortunate that they only let you scan 20 receipts per week. (I think I shop more than that haha).
I can definitely relate to being lazy about scanning the receipts. Sometimes, I just stockpile them, then binge scan them until I get caught up, but making sure I stay within the two week window of the time when I received the receipts. Nobody likes limits, do they. You might have a problem spending (lol).
Hi there! Thank you for introducing us to receipt hog. It sounds very interesting. Earning money from a mobile app just for submitting your receipts. It is the first time I hear about that. Do you know if it is available in all countries? How long does it take till you reach the 5$? Thanks again! Effie.
Hey Effie, it’s just real easy and I really like easy. The only countries that Receipt Hog is available is the US and the United Kingdom. It took me like 2 months of causally entering some of my receipts.
I also use Receipt Hog and have found it to be very entertaining and fun. What I really like is that you can take multiple pictures if you have a really long receipt. But it’s definitely not a scam and takes only a few minutes of your time every time you get a receipt.
Glad you like it too. It is very quick and easy to do, if you stay on top of it. Sometimes, i just let them accumulate. I am very surprised at the amount of people that use this app, it must be a very popular app. Thanks for the comment.
A friend and I were talking and she was telling me about apps that pay you to take pictures of your receipts. It sounded to good to be true, so I did a bit of digging.
I had no idea this was even a thing. While it seems like a legitimate opportunity. Since you aren’t paying for anything up front you won’t lose anything other than perhaps the time it takes to snap a picture.
However, it doesn’t seem like a quick way to make money.
I don’t know if this is for me. I would rather put in more effort to have the potential to make more money.
Thanks Simone, for your honesty. You are right it is not a quick way to make money but…it’s not the point of the app to replace any major source of income. The amount of time, to the amount of effort for the amount of pay is in my opinion worth it. It’s super easy. It’s additional income, though not much, it is something and whether or not you should use the App Receipt Hog is up to the individual.
If your looking for more potential in making more money, check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016, Legit Money Maker? It is a proven method to make money and my highest rated but it’s not an overnight thing. It takes time. See you around.
Wealthy Affiliate Review 2017, Legit Money Maker?
Is is a scam I just wanna know before wasting my time in it
Hey Cookie, it is not a scam at all. You won’t make a lot of money doing it though but is a good way to pull in extra money. They pay thru PayPal which is nice. Hope this helps you.
It just sucks!!! I had over 1500 coins and then i had to reset my phone and when I logged in, it couldn’t find me and started back at 100 coins. I wrote to Receipt Hog and no responeed. Otherwise I was happy with the app, it helped me keep all my receipts in one place.
That would suck, it sure takes a while to get 1500 coins, and I am a little disappointed in Receipt Hog for not getting back to you. I will try to get a hold of them too about your case and see if they will try and help.
Yeah, I agree with you the app works very well, I happily use the app often. I hope my phone doesn’t need to be reset. Thanks for the comment and sharing your experience.
Hey Angela, I got a hold of Receipt Hog and they said they are taking care of it now. Below is the message I received from them.
The Receipt Hog (Receipt Hog Support)
Sep 19, 15:46 PDT
Hey there,
Thanks for reaching out on her behalf! We’ll follow up with this user now.
Receipt Hog Support Team
Please feel free to reach back out or refer to our FAQ if you have any other questions for us.
Dan it tells me that i am using the wrong pass word when try to log in please help
Hey Connie,
I found a page for you here,
Let me know if this helps you. Also you can try support here
I am not able to upload amazon receipts any ideas? I have connected my account.
Sorry, I mislead you. Your are right, people are not able to upload Amazon receipts, they are allowed to connect the Amazon account to Receipt Hog to earn a one time payment along with 5 sweepstakes entries every month. Sorry, for the confusion and thank you for pointing that out to Vishal.
They dont anymore
Thanks for the very helpful link!
I downloaded the app and it says there is a waiting list to join. Any tips on how to join another way?
I don’t know of any other way of joining, when I joined I had no problem with it. The only other suggestion I would have would be try ReceiptPal and Checkout 51 apps, I have written reviews about these two app. I use these in conjunction with Receipt Hog and actually Checkout 51 is a lot faster at earning money. Take a look.
It is so worth taking the time to scan receipts. I just cashed out and they paid me $20. Love it.
Thanks for commenting and letting us know, glad you love it. It is pretty easy to just scan them and earn money from doing that. Have you tried using Receipt Pal too? You can use both the programs for the same receipts, Receipt Hog and Receipt Pal. A great way to double your cash.
It’s great if you are a mystery shopper as you are getting paid to buy the items anyway. It’s also good if you can talk your colleagues and family into giving you receipts.
Hey Carrie, Thanks for sharing your tips. Mystery Shoppers would definitely benefit from using Receipt Hog, great idea! I always felt extreme couponers would love Receipt Hog too, as it would definitely optimize the amount of money they could save. I have talked my wife into downloading and using the app, and we have on occasion used each other receipts with no conflicts.
I just received a short notice say they do not have enough money to pay, and give me less than 12 hours to close my account. 3/27/2017 11:00pm
That seems really strange, did you request a payout? Also, why do they want you to close your account? Please let me know what you find out.
Definitely not a scam! It’s a way of earning a few extra bucks; you aren’t going to get rich off it, but i’m ten points away from my next $40 PayPal reward. Have earned over $200 this way. And if you have a PayPal debit card you have virtually immediate access to your money as soon as they pay it!
Like you say, you’re not going to get rich off it but it does allow you to pull in extra cash from spending money. Which is never a bad thing and it does add up if you keep up with it, like you for example.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Is there the possibility of my credit card numbers being compromised
by scammers in some way even though only the last four digits are visible.
I’ve never had a problem with Receipt Hog but I also don’t think I ever gave them my credit card. I find them to be a pretty stand up company. Why would you give them your credit card number? I would try to contact Receipt Hog and ask some questions.
Hope this help Reg.
Hi is this available in Ireland?
Yes, I believe Receipt Hog is available in Ireland. As they have a UK version of Receipt Hog and website. Just download the app and start hogging!
Im useing receipt hog from the uk and ive nearly got to the £50 mark its took me so long to do it. Nearly 2 and half years but its £50 i didnt have so its a good little earner and stops that 5 mins of boredom each day lol. Get hogging
Hey Helen,
Thanks for verifying that Receipt Hog does pay out. It does take a while to accumulate anything substantial, but it does provide a source of money if you stick with it.
Does it charge anything if I put in my phone number?
No. Receipt Hog will never charge you anything. I have never had a problem with them or their app. Very secure and honest company. Hope this helps you Taylor.
Hogslots apparently had access to my gmail email messages. Check your settings people!
I’ll have to look into this, I’ll get back to about what I find out.
I am new to receipt hog, but I have become concerned after they wanted to connect and access my email. Do you know why?
This isn’t a big deal, I was leery at first myself but after doing it, it wasn’t a big deal. The choice is yours though.