Find Best Google Keywords Keyword Tool

Keywords = Foundation Of SEO
How to find best Google keyword, keyword tool is going to be needed in order for us to find the best option. Because let’s face it, Google is 500 lb gorilla in the room, if you rank well in Google your going to be sitting pretty, with a big smile included. Because the majority of the traffic uses Google search function. Whether you’re looking for long-tail keywords or generic shorter keywords, this keyword tool will produce results for you and get you earning traffic as well as money. With that being said, I would like you to introduce you to Jaaxy.
You are probably already quite aware how vital keyword research is, and just looking to improve upon it or do it more efficiently. With Jaaxy a believe you can do this. You can read my full in-depth review of Jaaxy here, What Is Jaaxy About?
Maybe you never heard of Jaaxy, or perhaps you have, but it is the keyword tool I use to narrow down my keyword or keywords choices to acquire the most amount of targeted traffic with the least amount of competition.
A good keyword tool that allows you to find the best keywords that rank in Google is like a money printing machine. With a targeted focus on content and the traffic, a single page can make you a happy person. This is why a keyword tool is invaluable to owning a website or even just creating videos and driving traffic towards your content.
As each day goes by more and more people are coming online, either in the U.S. or around the world. The number is over 3 billion and growing. Now, we only need a slight percentage of that 3 billion in order to make a decent living off of. Despite the popularity of the internet and the competition over keywords, there is still plenty of room for untapped keywords as well as keywords that have major competition. With just slightly altering a word or spelling or just finding an unused popular searched term, you can potentially get hordes of traffic.
Jaaxy Defined
Jaaxy obtains search data from the big search engines, like Google, Bing, and Yahoo and then lays this information out for people to quickly understand many variables. This allows you to make the best decision on how to proceed with your keyword(s) selection. Jaaxy focus is centered around providing an all in one stop for keyword selection, with many features available to get you traffic and hopefully with great content, a source of income.
Jaaxy helps you determine keywords for your next blog post or for just starting a new niche website. Jaaxy offers a free plan (limited to 30 searches) but also provides a paid plan, a Pro Plan, and an Enterprise Plan. You can Join Jaaxy here.
- Free Plan -limited to 30 free searches
- Pro Plan – $19.00 a month.
- Enterprise Plan – $47.00 A month.
Finding keywords is how should I say it…fun, addicting and exciting! Sometimes it’s just like finding money, just lying there on the ground, ready to be picked up.
I have personally used Jaaxy for over a year, and I couldn’t be happier with its performance. As I always check for keywords using Jaaxy to find the lowest competition and highest traffic before I set down to write a page or post.
Even this very article, I used Jaaxy and as I have posted a Jaaxy screenshot below. Notice the QSR (I’ll explain this later) is Zero. This means that there is no competition for this long keyword, and it should rank on page 1 and position 1 within Google and possibly the other search engines.

Easy To Use…Try It And See For Yourself
To see how easily it to use just type in a term or keyword you are thinking about currently and see the results at work.
Other Tools To Improve Finding Keywords
Other than Jaaxy, which is a paid service, there is another tool I use to help find commonly searched words associated with the specific keyword I have in mind. This is Ubersuggest, and it is FREE to use as well as simple. Below is a quick video demonstration that shows how to use this site.
This really compliments when using Jaaxy and Ubersuggest together. As you might know, the direct keyword you want to know, but it might be too broad in range and not specific enough. Because as you should know the more focused the keyword, the greater the chance of converting to a sale.
For example, I’ll use the above Jaaxy main keyword search from above (which is a keyword).
As you can see from the Jaaxy “keyword” search that the traffic is great but the competition is just too great. The Avg is the number of searches per month, while the QSR is the amount of competition competing for this keyword. You can also see the red circle under KQI. Red indicates too high of competition. So we need to find alternates words associated with the word “keyword” to narrow our competition down to where we can rank in search engines.
If you are worried about understanding all the parameters, like Avg, Traffic, QSR, KQI, SEO, Domains, related, and Brainstorm don’t. It’s very simple to understand, and you can always move your cursor over the parameters question mark, and a brief description will pop up.
To find ideas we can use Ubersuggest, Jaaxy does an excellent job of providing alternates as well, but I use the combination of the two to find the most of my keyword phrases.
By simply entering in “keyword” we get back 362 variations (as seen in the picture above) of uses of the word keyword. You then scroll through all returned variations of the keyword to find and then cross reference with Jaaxy,. to find the low competition ones with the highest possible traffic, then use them in the blog title. In order to properly use your keyword(s) in your pages or post read my page, How To Use Keywords In Your Website. This will highlight proper placement of keyword(s) within your written post or pages to ensure the best possible proper search engine categorization of your page.
You should also make a list of common phrases associated with your specific niche, which are used in conjunction with your keywords. Like for example this website commonly uses the word scam, like “is blank a scam?” or “insert name scam.” This varies to the particular niche you are in, but over time you will rely on this to find quicker keyword phrases.
You can also use the Alphabet Soup technique using Google search engine also to find commonly type phrases along with the keyword you have chosen. For more on this technique head on over to my other page, Alphabet Soup – Google Free Keyword Search Tool. Jaaxy also has the Alphabet Soup at its disposal.
Final Verdict
Find Best Google Keywords Keyword Tool, and that tool is Jaaxy. I genuinely believe Jaaxy is the best keyword tool. The creators of Jaaxy also founded Wealthy Affiliate, so they know something about keyword important. I use Jaaxy every time before I write a web page or post, so I am confident it is the topnotch online keyword tool.
You will be doing yourself an excellent service and favor by using a good keyword tool. It will save you tons of time as well as get you excited about finding the next keyword and let’s not forget about the potential money you could make.
- It easy to understand and to use. 5 minutes and you will know how it works.
- Fast search results.
- It is a reliable tool for finding keywords.
- Gives you enough parameters to help you decide the correct keyword.
So, try the free searches and find out for yourself. You just might be impressed and want to sign up right away.
Try Jaaxy For Free!
Any questions or comments welcomed. Thanks, I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.
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